When running an apt update / apt-get update, or trying to refresh the software sources using some GUI tool, apt will complain about not being able to download all repository indexes, showing errors like this:

2012-2-24 · apt-get update 或 aptitude update 命令来手动更新源(更新的过程中会下载Packages和Release等文件,所以Cydia刷新的时候上面也会有滚动的字符提示 cydia数据库错误怎么修复白图标 - Sogou 2015-1-25 · 重新装上源后,还是在进入cydia时刷新数据后,提示数据库错误,还是提示:!Ignoring Provides line with DeplompareOp for package com.baidu.baiduinputmethod 4!You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems就提示这两个错误 【注意】Cydiaのアップデートしないで!追記:公式 … DO NOT INSTALL THE CYDIA UPDATE UNTIL I TWEET IT IS OK — CoolStar (@coolstarorg) 2018年7月25 apt-get update apt-get upgrade それでもダメな場合 uicache 再起動 再脱獄 追記:公式対処法 CoolStar氏から対処法が出たのでこちらをFilzaなどで ssh连接iphone常用命令大全! - 威锋 - 千万果粉大 …

Jan 16, 2017 · apt-get autoremove apt-get autoclean killall -9 SpringBoard. Now go to Cydia and make sure you update it to version 1.1.28 beta 5. Add all your sources again. Force close Cydia and open up Terminal again; su -c uicache mobile alpine (be patient while it runs) su root alpine apt-get update

Listen to the commands (apt-get update, for example) and type it into Putty software or Terminal. I hope this help and comment below if you need any further assistant. Note: This also works if you want to install Cydia tweaks from a computer as well, not just removing them. When running an apt update / apt-get update, or trying to refresh the software sources using some GUI tool, apt will complain about not being able to download all repository indexes, showing errors like this: sudo apt-get update --fix-missing It is possible that even this command will throw "Hash sum mismatch" errors, because the issue can come from transient network content errors. If so, continue to re-run the above --fix-missing command until it completes successfully. For example, like: until sudo apt-get update --fix-missing; do echo trying Jan 16, 2017 · apt-get autoremove apt-get autoclean killall -9 SpringBoard. Now go to Cydia and make sure you update it to version 1.1.28 beta 5. Add all your sources again. Force close Cydia and open up Terminal again; su -c uicache mobile alpine (be patient while it runs) su root alpine apt-get update

无需插件,简单搞定插件和Cydia源以及软件的备份与 …

Cydia - 越狱iOS的软件管理平台 - 简书 * 安装软件包管理工具apt-get == 在Cydia中搜索 APT 0.6 Transitional并安装 == - 命令介绍 ``` apt-get update 【更新所有的源】 apt-get upgrade 【更新所有通过apt-get安装的程序】 How To Update or Reinstall Cydia - CCM 2020-7-15 · How To Update the Cydia App As mentioned above, Cydia's 1.0.336-1 update addresses a variety of concerns regarding application bugs and slow loading times. Specific updates include remapping optimization, more stable WebViews, faster scrolling, autocorrect packages, a more efficient menu refresh, shorter loading times, and user badge updates.